苗栗水舞嘉年華預約接送 Water Dance Festival in Miaoli shuttle reservation新竹出發 4人單趟一車  1200元  來回 2000元9人單趟一車  2000元  來回 3500元中正機場 -- 明德水庫 -- 新竹入住4人單趟一車  2500元  來回 3500元9人單趟一車  3500元  來回 5000元訂車電話 買屋0917-223501 0982-730973 連絡人 : 戴祥正先生苗栗明德水庫四周湖光山色、風景秀麗,湖面面積達170多公頃,是全國相當適合夜間水上劇場的演出場域之一。苗栗縣政府特別自今年4月10日起至10月底止,在明德水庫精心規劃令人震撼的水舞表演秀,此次活動展演以精緻化、氣勢化、立體化及壯觀化為主,將水舞、光舞、火舞、影像秀、雷射秀、大型特澎湖民宿效煙火等科技元素全新整合,並以苗栗的好山、好水、好人文作為演出腳本,搭配量身訂製的配樂、動人心弦的劇情及工藝展現,塑造令人驚艷的水上劇場。每週五及六夜間,除了水舞演出外,在長達七個月的活動時間中,月月皆規劃不同風格的藝術演出活動,以及國際街頭藝人的演出,在水岸碼頭更設置有藝術街坊,現場並展售苗栗縣在地的美食特產,提房地產供給前來參觀的遊客兼具視覺、聽覺、味覺的超感體驗,而能留下一個記憶深刻的山城文化、藝術觀光之旅。水舞展演場次:每週日至四晚上,每天二場:19:30、20:30。每週五至六晚上(重要節慶),每天三場:19:30、20:30及21:30(末場加放大型特效煙火)。週邊藝文活動:每週五、六晚上。Hsinchu Departure 4 single-vehicle trips a 1,200 yuan 設計裝潢round-trip 2,000 yuan 9 single-trip truck 2,000 yuan a round-trip 3500 CKS International Airport - Matilda Reservoir - Hsinchu Check 4 single-vehicle trips a 2,500 yuan round-trip 4,500 yuan 9 single-vehicle trips a 3500 return 6500 yuan Set car phone 0917-223501 0982-730973 Contact Person: Mr. Dai XiangzhengMiaoli 建築設計Matilda reservoir surrounded by lakes and mountains scenery, the lake area of 170 hectares, is very suitable for night-time National Water Field, one of theater performances. Miaoli county government, especially since the April 10 this year until the end of October only, in the Ming reservoir water carefully 西裝外套planned stunning dance show, the event stage for performances with refined, imposing, three-dimensional, and spectacular of the main water dance, light dance, The Dance, video shows, laser shows, pyrotechnics and other large-scale special effects elements of a new technology integration, and to Miaoli good 澎湖民宿mountains, good water, good human as a performance script, with music tailored , touching story and craft show, and shaping the stunning water theater. And six at night every Friday, in addition to water, dance performances, activities for up to seven months time, month and are planning different styles of artistic 術後面膜performances, as well as international street artist performances, in the waterfront pier also has an artistic setting residents at the scene and exhibition of Miaoli County, on the ground gourmet specialty provided to the tourists come to visit both the visual, hearing, taste super-sense experience, but can leave 整合負債a memory of deep mountain culture, arts and tourist services. Water dance performances or exhibitions, screenings: Every Sunday from 4 pm, two games per day: 19:30,20:30. Mei Zhou 5-6 pm (special events), day three: 19:30,20:30 and 21:30 (the end of the market of pyrotechnic special effects add-amp). Surrounding 票貼arts activities: every five or six at night.

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